Saturday, April 19, 2008

Campus Critical

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Although it is a quite long article, but it discussed about teaching quality, plagiarism and marking criteria which can give more understanding about study in Australia. Enjoy!

The privatisation of learning has come at a huge cost, write Debra Jopson and Kelly Burke.

THE LIFT smells of beer - not surprising, since its first stop is a big city bar boasting pool tables and an aquarium. On the fourth floor, the Eureka flag, transformed into a university logo, hangs over a swanky reception desk fronting a suite of computer-filled rooms. Welcome to the University of Ballarat's Liverpool Street campus in Sydney.

It wasn't what Aman Malik expected when he decided to study at an Australian university. The 22-year-old Indian, with a bachelor of business from Maharashi Dayanand University, Haryana, picked Ballarat for his two-year, $24,000 master of information technology course because it looked good on the internet. But the reality of studying above the barn-like Shark Hotel in an office-block campus with just a few books to hand was a disappointment.

"I chose Ballarat University because it's in the centre of the city. I never knew it was such a small branch of a university. I thought it would be like a big university in a big building with facilities like a gym and swimming pools and playing grounds," he says. "The university should not be so close to the bar. It should not be in a hotel, at least."

One in five Australian university students is foreign. Eight out-of-town universities have versions of the Shark Hotel campus in office blocks in the Sydney CBD - housing more than 7500 fee-paying students from overseas. International student leaders say we should treat these students well - they are the saviours of our tertiary education system.

Most of Australia's 37 public universities have been forced to seek fee-paying foreign students since the great campus crunch of nine years ago, when the Federal Government began to slash their funding.

It has been a move onto shaky ground. The cuts and the Government's push to create entre-preneurial universities may threaten the survival of some universities, a Herald investigation has found.

"We are now reliant in dollar terms on that international student income. If that does not continue at least at the levels it's at now, then there will be a financial crisis in the Australian university sector," says Gerard Sutton, vice-president of the Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee.

The reduced funding and the influx of foreign students are driving down the standard of education at some universities. In some cases, entry requirements have been lowered, courses have been made easier and marking has been softened to help overseas students cope with language problems. Meanwhile, there is overcrowding in lectures and tutorials because student-staff ratios have soared.

Standards are suffering in many ways.

Student-staff ratios continue to rise, leading to drops in the quality of teaching. The number of students to every university teacher soared from about 14 in 1993 to 21 in 2003, according to the vice-chancellors' committee. This state was the second-worst, after Queensland, according to the NSW Auditor-General, with more than 26 students per teacher.

Resources are so stretched that some tutorials - meant to be about small-group learning - have grown to 60 students. Academics from the University of Western Sydney say they are under mounting pressure to cut face-to-face teaching hours after an $18 million shortfall in income in 2004 - due, in part, to static enrolments of international students. Multiple-choice and short-answer assessments are on the rise.

The university's senior management has dismissed the claims, saying there is no overall policy on academic consulting hours. But lecturers in some faculties say they have been told they "over-assess" their students and have been advised to spend no more than one hour per semester on marking, plus a maximum of 30 minutes of consultation, for each student.
At Sydney University, there were 48 students in a third-year nursing tutorial, where subjects included the mathematics required to measure medicine doses for patients, the university's Students Representative Council says.

An acting course at Charles Sturt University that once had three full-time teachers for 60 students now has one, according to the academics' union.

An engineering student at Newcastle University, Evan Walpole, attended tutorials holding as many as 50 students last semester.

Universities are struggling to deal with growing numbers of foreign students who often lack the English skills needed for their courses. International students claim they often do not get enough support. Their failure rate is 5 to 20 per cent higher than that of domestic students.

The University of Newcastle's international students' association has case studies of international students fighting to remain in the country after consistently failing subjects. One student has been at the university for five years, passing just one out of 24 subjects. Yet, contrary to the university's policies, these students have not been placed on an "at-risk" register, nor have they been offered counselling and access to additional support services.

The university's pro-vice-chancellor (international), Bill Purcell, admits some international students are falling through the cracks. "But students fail for all sorts of different reasons c not all problems are academic or to do with teaching."

 Universities need $1.7 billion from foreign students every year to stay afloat.
 China, the biggest market, is upgrading universities to keep students at home.
 A fall in the number of full-fee-paying international students is already affecting some universities.
 Federal funding will not grow to meet costs over the next three years.
 Standards have been lowered to ensure income from fee-payers, many of whom have poor English.
 Just over 10 years ago there was one university teacher for every 14 students. Now there is one for every 21 students.

A Macquarie University professor of economics, Peter Abelson, fails 40 per cent of students in his second-year course. "We have students who have failed the course four to five times. At least one student has failed it six times," he says. "It is an absurd situation."

Foreign students who get second-year entry to Macquarie after completing their first year with the Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) - a private provider on campus - have a failure rate of 66 per cent.

Abelson says it is "a scandal" that the faculty's summer school takes in students who are getting less than 50 per cent in their courses. "The summer school has failure rates of 60 to 70 per cent. It's dishonest because we have allowed people into courses simply to take their money. In my view, we are close to trading fraudulently."

James Hazelton, an accounting lecturer at Macquarie, says: "As the entry criteria have become much more relaxed - and, in particular, many overseas students are admitted with poor English skills - in my view this has unquestioningly led to a lowering of standards and has disadvantaged local students entering through the usual Universities Admissions Centre system."

However, Tony Adams, Macquarie's pro-vice-chancellor (international), describes the claims as "rubbish". He says: "There are various ways in which you make allowance for students from non-English speaking backgrounds [but] I don't believe there has been a drop in our standards."
The English level required of Macquarie's 7500 international students is higher than the average for most universities and academic entry requirements are also high, he says. The university's main source country is "China, China and China" - from where it gets more than 3000 of its students, plus 900 from Hong Kong.

Students from SIBT "would be expected to have equivalent English to someone entering directly", he says, adding that those students generally perform well.

Adams says the university is obliged to report students who fail 50 per cent of their units to the federal Immigration Department, which can cancel their visas. Once this happens, most improve their performances. "It's a kick up the bum, if you like."

He says he does not know about summer school failure rates, but believes many students might prefer to be somewhere else, such as Manly on a summer's day, so he would not expect a high pass rate.

Academics report that internet plagiarism grows as foreign student numbers rise. A senior lecturer in communication at Charles Sturt University, Chris McGillion, says: "It's a bigger problem than they [universities] are letting on."

Further, a form of plagiarism that is difficult to detect - using foreign texts translated into English - is becoming more prevalent, says Stuart Rosewarne, a political economy lecturer at Sydney University.

According to an internal document from Central Queensland University: "Lecturers are constantly dealing with issues concerning plagiarism and irregularities of referencing practices."
One of the university's lecturers says: "There's pressure not to ping plagiarism."

Tom Valentine, director of the Centre for Applied Finance at the University of Western Sydney and the former chairman of its disciplinary committee, has failed six foreign students for plagiarism in the past eight years. "You've got somebody with not terribly good English and suddenly you've got three pages of perfectly written material that would do Peter Carey credit."
The university is not doing enough to equip them with the skills for primary research and the development of independent and critical thinking, he says. "They don't want to spend that much on international students; they just want to take their money."

Diane Dwyer, the director of the university's International Office, says international students are offered free workshops and mentoring services that cover plagiarism. The university nevertheless deals with as many as 50 cases of plagiarism a year, she concedes. "[But] there is no indication that incidents of plagiarism are higher amongst international or local students."

As the NSW secretary of the National Tertiary Education Union, Rosewarne has reignited claims of soft marking in universities driven by money-hungry managements.

Staff in his own faculty of economics and business have reported that marking standards have been lowered, he claims. They say this has been done to cater to international students whose poor English makes it difficult to perform well in assignments and even to learn critical skills.
"We expect a normal distribution of marks in the high distinction, distinction, pass, credit, fail rate. If you can imagine a normal distribution shaped like a hill, what's happened is it's moved down. They've moved the whole hill."

Abelson says the same thing has happened at Macquarie.

More than half the academics and other staff from 12 universities surveyed by Don Anderson, emeritus professor at the Australian National University, two years ago said they believed grades had been inflated and "the intellectual level required for a degree had declined".

Professor Anderson says: "I have no reason to think things would have changed for the better."
In his survey, "there were reports of pressures from management on academics to pass students who, in their opinion, should fail. An edict from top management in one university directed that, henceforth, HDs [high distinctions] and Ds [distinctions] should be awarded at lower marks." Among the reasons academics gave for declining standards were "lower quality of admissions, poor resources for teaching and pressures from above".

Anderson contends that it is unlikely to improve. "Small classes and face-to-face teaching will remain the exception."

University curriculums have been skewed by increasing privatisation. While vocational courses favoured by fee-payers grow, more traditional subjects, particularly in the arts and "soft" sciences, fight for survival.

Even if foreign fees are used to subsidise less popular subjects, such as languages and philosophy, those subjects are prone to be cut if fees drop off or if a faculty is trimming its costs.

At the University of NSW, human geography was under threat last year because it was not considered financially viable. After a battle to save it, the subject found safe haven in a new faculty.

At Newcastle University, 19 postgraduate degrees have been singled out for the chop, according to a steering committee report that examines likely cuts to programs.

All postgraduate programs with 12 or fewer students are defined in the report as "cost neutral" or unprofitable. It recommends that all "financially burdensome [postgraduate] courses should be eliminated, as they draw students from courses that may offer a greater return with greater numbers".

Even the federal Minister for Education, Brendan Nelson, describes higher education as "bleeding" because of the struggle to keep science and humanities subjects alive.

He wants universities to cut units with few students. But he is furious at decisions such as that taken by the University of Western Sydney when it dropped its podiatry degree. He blames poor decision making on universities pandering to populism, rather than considering "the core needs of Australian society". "You can do the paranormal, scepticism, surfboard riding. You can do make-up application for drag queens at Swinburne."

Student-teacher ratios are not a reflection of quality, he says, and it is up to universities to set their own English-language entry levels. "I get more complaints about students who can't understand the lecturer than I do about the students who are in the class with English-language issues."

Nelson denies the Government has cut funding to universities - rather, the rate of growth has slowed since 1996. He says that under his reforms, they will get $2.6 billion more in the coming five years.

He makes it clear the enterprise university is here to stay. "The universities are competing commercially and they need to have extremely good business management. It isn't good enough to simply provide high-quality education."

To help them expand beyond Asia - source of eight in 10 international students at Australian universities - the Government has a $113 million package to support moves into the Middle East, Europe and Latin America, he says.

However, there are warning signs that local students and academics are not the only ones unhappy with the quality of education in universities.

Gerard Sutton says some commentators argue that international student income peaked in 2004.

The number of overseas students arriving at Newcastle University dropped by almost 9 per cent this year. The University of Western Sydney had 2000 fewer international students, onshore and offshore, last year than it did in 2002, representing an estimated drop in the university's income of almost $8 million.

Studies have shown that international students are often disappointed because language and cultural difficulties - or isolation in a separate city campus - mean there is little mingling between locals and foreigners.

The convener of the National Liaison Committee for international students in Australia, Aditya Tater, says: "They want to have the Australian experience, which they don't get. It's not happening. It's just in the rhetoric."

There is a growing perception among international students that they are not getting value for money, which is dangerous because the universities' reputations overseas are based on word of mouth, she says.

"There is an issue with the quality of education. People are not satisfied. If you don't get a job with the qualification itself, it's not worth it."

Ali Abusalem, an education officer with the committee, says that marketing aggressively to students, only to have them find that their specially created campus for fee-payers has little more than a virtual library, creates a bad impression.

"It's no longer people thinking about quality. It's a business and they are thinking we have to make money to sustain our operations without knowing that slowly, slowly we kill this brand name."

In his little outpost of Ballarat in Sydney's heart, Malik is so isolated from mainstream student life that he believes Australians do not do masters degrees - because there are none where he studies.

He enjoys the city, the climate, the low cost of study here compared to Britain or the US, and the possibility of getting a job here when he finishes his degree in November. But if he were choosing again, he would apply for Sydney University: "It's got a proper campus."

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